منذ أن تأسست مؤسسة الحسن عام 1400هـ ونحن نعمل بشكل حثيث وعبر مسارات متنوعه على تطوير هذا الصرح وعلى تحقيق مخرجات ترضي طموحاتنا ومع كل إنجاز يتم تحقيقه تزداد أمالنا وتتسع تطلعاتنا بالوصول إلى المستوي الذي نطمح الوصول إليه ويكون ذلك بتضافر ولجميع العاملين والعمل دائماً على تطوير الجهاز الأداري والفني . سعيد جداً عبر التواصل معكم عن طريق هذه النافذه التي نأمل أن تكون معبره عنا جميعاً . ودمتم
If your Mac is running slow There are a variety of ways to fix the problem. The first step is to launch the Activity Monitor to check the memory utilization issues. Choose the process you’re experiencing and click to quit. If the program consumes too much memory, you can close it and try again later. You can utilize the System Memory tab to check whether there are other slow processes running within your Mac.
Another possible cause for your Mac’s slowness is the processor. You should close any program which uses too much CPU. To do this, open the Activity Monitor and then click the “X” button underneath the tiny window’s buttons. If you’re unsure of what apps are consuming too much CPU power Try a Google search to find them. This should give you some idea which applications are causing your Mac to slow down.
When your drive is full the drive can also trigger your Mac to run slowly. Too many applications consume too much memory and make your operating system run slower. There is a way to remove files which you speed up my mac do not use, or transfer them to another drive. Start Activity Monitor to see a list of running processes within your Mac. There should be a couple of mistakes – this could be a good sign that you’re using too many applications at the same time.